This area will showcase quality exhibits and allow viewers to view exhibits that they might not be able to see otherwise. Viewers will be able to look, examine and hopefully learn from them, ultimately get energized and exhibit themselves


To view an exhibits, please click the exhibit title  below and then by frame number



Traditional class exhibit presenting a comprehensive and logical story of the postal services of Zululand


Exhibitor: Clive Sergay

Frames: 9

Highest award: Large Gold (Int)

Johannesburg First 50 Years – From Shanty Town to World City


An Open Class exhibit presenting the discovery of gold in 1886 on the Witwatersrand. Johannesburg would emerge as the centre and grew to the biggest and richest city in South Africa within years. Hosting a world-renowned Empire Exhibition during its Jubilee year in 1936 – the first to be held outside the UK


Exhibitor: Andre du Plessis RDPSA

Frames: 5

Highest award: Large Gold (Nat)

Rhodesia: The Double Head Issue, Perf 11 printings: 1910 -1913


The Rhodesia Double Head issue was produced to commemorate the Royal Visit of Arthur, the Duke of Connaught to Rhodesia in November 1910. The content deal with the perf 14 printings only and is planned as a chronology of the issue with its relevant information and intrigue.


Exhibitor: Patrick Flanagan RDPSA

Frames: 8

Highest award: Large Gold (Int)

Railway Philately of South Africa – 1867 to 1910


An Open Class exhibit presenting pre-Union Railway Philately in South Africa. The development of railways led to the introduction of a uniform postage system. Railway Departments started to issue its own packet labels, stamps, stationery and cancellers operating Postal Agencies/Offices at Railway stations, Travelling Post Offices and Special Mail Trains that resulted in the efficiency of rail-post services


Exhibitor: Gawie van der Walt RDPSA

Frames: 5

Highest award: Gold (Nat)

The Revenue Stamps of the Union of South Africa (1910-1961):

A Usage Analysis


A Traditional Class exhibit analysing the Union of SA revenue stamps and the different usage thereof.


Exhibitor: Gerhard Kamffer RDPSA

Frames: 8

Highest award: Gold (Nat)



South Africa’s Ninth Virtual Philatelic Exhibition (SAVPEX), a one-frame exhibition, hosted by the Orange Free State Philatelic Society under the auspices of the Philatelic Federation of South Africa


The exhibition attracted 91 exhibits from around the world


To view exhibits, please click on the exhibit title




Trinacria – Stamps of Garibaldi’s dictatorship


Traditional – 96 Points


Piccirillo, Pasquale



Bator, Janusz


Points 77

Poland 1918-1919

Dedivitis, Rogério


Points 85

The Ruhleben interment camp post

Lukes, Emanuel

Czech Republic

Points 69

Postal services in the Levant

Marin, Massimo


Points 86

The Verdino di Udine one hundred years later

Muller, Chuck

South Africa

Points 83

RSA 4th definitive coil stamps

Piccirillo, Pasquale


Points 96

Trinacria – Stamps of Garibaldi’s dictatorship

Sancho, Cesarl

Costa Rica

Points 59

Costa Rica: The 1991 surcharges

Turriza, Sosa Edgar


Points 56

Emisión Hidalgos 1856-1861 – Hidalgos Issue 1856-1861

Van Zyl, Danie

South Africa

Points 83

South West Africa stamps 1926-1955

Viljoen, Diederik

South Africa

Points 74

Austria: Postage Due 1894-1935

Yoshida, Takashi


Points 83

Japan 1951 14.00 Yen Himeji Castle Definitive Stamp

Khaitan, Piyush


Points 85

The 1924 Mount Everest expedition


Ramírez, Bahena Mario


Points 75

Mexico’s mail in backlog, since 1900

Sinchawla, Santpal


Points 87

Early mails between Asia and Europe via Trieste

Sommella, Bruno


Points 83

Postal uses of the DLR

Ustinov, Demid


Points 65

Simbirsk telegraf

Martins, Neto Braz


Points 73



Martins, Neto Braz


Points 70

A Fúria do Fuhrer – The fury of the Fuhrer



Points 75

The world of Mafalda

Orive, Cruz de Véliz Ana


Points 61

Guatemala’s heart in The Little Prince: A tale of inspiration

Picconi Salvatore


Points 83

The Nuragic civilisation

Rajasheaker, Revathi


Points 60

The mighty tusker ……The Elephant

Stekolshchikov Andrey


Points 62

Corals of coral reefs

Mias, van Pletzen

South Africa

Points 51

History of Russian aircraft

Velásquez, Daniel


Points 72

Mayan revival architecture in the Art Deco period

Wadhwa, Capt Vijay


Points 75

Above and Beyond

Turyn, Leanid


Points 71

Auschwitz concentration camp


Schuurman, Dick

South Africa

Points 61

Aviation firsts

Open Class

Kraus, Jiri

Czech Republic

Points 86

Dr. Václav Vojtěch – The first Czech in Antarctica

Meyer, Pieter

South Africa

Points 67

Die Interessante verhaal van ‘n ware Filatelis

Rivera, Grajeda Carlos


Points 73

Guatemala City at the beginning of the 20th century

Van Niekerk, Herman

South Africa

Points 73

Filateliese outobiografie

Picture Postcards

Mehra, Gauresh


Points 77

Poetic Beauty of Bombay’s Postcards

Mehra, Sushil


Points 69

Bombay’s Red Double Decker Bus

Metaj, Matjaž


Points 78

They share the sky with birds

Shestakova, Anzhelika


Points 69

The Alexander Column – 190 years of history on postcards



 First Day Covers

 First Day Covers

 Postal Stationary





Rigo, Antoni


Points 70

Single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO)

Borgogno, M.C. Ketty


Points 64

The Accademia dei Lincei stamp and its many faces

Kumar, Satish


Points 57

Head gears of India


Adka, Jaagruthi Nithin


Points 75

Olympics – Bird’s eye view

Malachov, Alexander


Points 70

Cosmonautics on the New Year’s postcards – 2017

Salahuddin, Md. Samsuzzaman


Points 62

Biodiversity and nature of Bangladesh



South Africa’s Eight Virtual Philatelic Exhibition (SAVPEX), a one-frame exhibition, hosted by the Orange Free State Philatelic Society under the auspices of the Philatelic Federation of South Africa


The exhibition attracted 86 exhibits from around the world


To view exhibits, please click on the exhibit title



The Spaven flaw – British Colonial postage and revenue key plate issues 1902-1911


Traditional GB & Commonwealth – 95 Points

John Blinco

Australian Philatelic Federation


McLaughlin,  David

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Traditional Americas

Points 85


Canada: The 1933 UPU preparatory commission meeting

Sanchez Moreno,  Ismael

Federación Mexicana de Filatelia

Traditional Americas

Points 92


Mexico 1st postage stamps – The 8 Reales and it’s postal usage – 1856-1861

Sienra,  Victor

Federación Mexicana de Filatelia

Traditional Americas

Points 56


Etiquetas Klussendorf y Frama de Mexico

Zhang,  Lan Qing

American Philatelic Society

Traditional Asia

Points 94


Imperial China 1987 Red Revenue surcharges and cancellations

Blinco,  John

Australian Philatelic Federation

Traditional GB & Commonwealth

Points 95


The Spaven flaw – British Colonial postage and revenue key plate issues 1902-1911

Coetzee,  Peter

Philatelic Federation of SA

Traditional GB & Commonwealth

Points 79


Coil stamps of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland 1924-1966

Coetzee,  Peter

Philatelic Federation of SA

Traditional GB & Commonwealth

Points 85


Temporary handstamps used in Dublin after the 1916 uprising

Flanagan,  Patrick

Philatelic Federation of SA

Traditional GB & Commonwealth

Points 75


British South Africa Company: Cape of Good Hope stamps overprinted by the Argus Printing Company Cape Town

Flanagan,  Patrick

Philatelic Federation of SA

Traditional GB & Commonwealth

Points 78


The 1924 Admiral issue of Southern Rhodesia – The imperforate varieties

Irwin,  Douglas

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Traditional GB & Commonwealth

Points 92


Canada’s last airmail stamp

Strydom,  Danna

Philatelic Federation of SA

Traditional GB & Commonwealth

Points 90


The V.R.I. overprints on Transvaal postage stamps

Katakuzinos,  Trefon

Philatelic Federation of SA

Postal History National

Points 74


South African adhesive parcel post labels for the period 1935-1968

Van Der Merwe,  Joof

Philatelic Federation of SA

Traditional GB & Commonwealth

Points 64


The Machin stamps of Great Britain 1967 – 2022


Australian Philatelic Federation

Traditional Rest of World

Points 81

Papuan Lakatoi punctured OS stamp errors

Xavier,   Paul

Australian Philatelic Federation

Traditional Rest of World

Points 83


Papua and New Guinea – The 1970 National Development Series


Chen,  William

Brazilian Federation of Philately

Postal History Americas

Points 73


Brazil-Portugal disinfected mail

Gliedman,  Charles

American Philatelic Society

Postal History Americas

Points 93


Mail Routes of Rupert’s Land, British North America

Hickson,  Darcy

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Postal History Americas

Points 85


Sewell Camp Field Post Office 1915

Jones,  Julian

UK National Philatelic Society

Postal History Americas

Points 82


Non-denominated postage stamps on mail from the USA to UK: 1978 to 2001

Miranda,  Raquel

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala

Postal History Americas

Points 73


The certified markings in official correspondence with values in the department of San Marcos-Guatamala in the middle of 20th century

Quevedo Flores,  Jaime

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala

Postal History Americas

Points 73


The 1890-1898 Post Horn envelopes of Guatemala used through the Quetzaltenango Post Office

Sodero,  Jane

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Postal History Americas

Points 86


The postal markings of Guysborough, Nova Scotia 1838-1937

Towle,  Ross

American Philatelic Society

Postal History Americas

Points 82


Chilean disinfected mail


Wynns,  John

American Philatelic Society

Postal History Americas

Points 80


Jamaica – The 1901 Llandovery Falls issue


Cheung,  Andrew

The Hong Kong Philatelic Society

Postal History Asia

Points 73


Posted on board – A study of the mail to and from Hong Kong

Bator,  Janusz

Polish Philatelists Union

Postal History Europe

Points 86


Torn city Przemysl – Postal history in the period September 1, 1939 – June 22, 1941

DiPaolo,  Bill

American Philatelic Society

Postal History Europe

Points 82


An Introduction to Italian Lake mail

Fiset,  Louis

American Philatelic Society

Postal History Europe

Points 93


Political prisoner’s mail from the 1948 Paris “June Days Uprising”

Kossoy,  Meer

Union of Philatelists of Russia SFR

Postal History Europe

Points 84


The return of mail in the USSR in wartime 1941-1945

Libric,  Ivan

Croatian Philatelic Federation

Postal History Europe

Points 85


Registered from Zagreb

Metaj,  Matjaž

Slovenian Philatelic Association

Postal History Europe

Points 70


Saargebiet 1920-1935

Redner,  Gregg

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Postal History Europe

Points 74


The 3-centime 1915 King Albert the I issue

Mather,  Michael

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Postal History GB & Commonwealth

Points 85


Boston Machine cancels used in Great Britain 1897-1907

Hafez,  Adam

Philatelic Society of Egypt

Postal History Rest of World

Points 82


American Post Offices in Egypt WWII – APO Cancellation Date-stamps

Preston,  Dickson

American Philatelic Society

Postal History Rest of World

Points 91


Belgian expansion into East Africa 1916-1924

Shifron,  Gal

Israel Philatelic Federation

Postal History Rest of World

Points 60


Banks in Eretz Israel

Picture Postcards

Bakayutova,  Lioudmila

Union of Philatelists of Russia

Picture Postcards

Points 79


Bringing greetings – Saint Petersburg

Du Plessis,  Andre

Philatelic Federation of SA

Picture Postcards

Points 85


Postcards of the Johannesburg Empire Exhibition

Figg,  David

Australian Philatelic Federation

Picture Postcards

Points 85


Ted Ryko – Adelaide to Darwin by bicycle

Franco,  Rodolfo

Federación Mexicana de Filatelia

Picture Postcards

Points 64


El metro

McLaughlin,  David

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Picture Postcards

Points 79


Local publishers of Ottmar Zieher’s philatelic postcards

Metaj,  Natalija Žitnik

Slovenian Philatelic Association

Picture Postcards

Points 70


Gifts of the forest on plate

Muller,  Chuck

Philatelic Federation of SA

Picture Postcards

Points 85


A walk up Adderley street

Palagniuk,  Victor

Union of Philatelists of Russia

Picture Postcards

Points 70


COVID19 – Postcardemia

Ryss,  Igor

Union of Philatelists of Russia

Picture Postcards

Points 81


Socio-cultural anthropology of Belarus in early XX century postcards

Postal Stationery

Chrispin,  Ygor

Brazilian Federation of Philately

Postal Stationery

Points 78


Brazilian domestic aerogrammes – The 1997 issue

Chrispin,  Ygor

Brazilian Federation of Philately

Postal Stationery

Points 79


Brazilian justification of electoral absence

Mramornov,  Alexander

Union of Philatelists of Russia

Postal History Europe

Points 92


Stamped envelopes for the city post of Moscow 1846-1851

Rivera Grajeda,  Carlos

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala

Postal Stationery

Points 78


Guatamala ¼ Real postal stationery

Viljoen,  Diederik

Philatelic Federation of SA

Postal Stationery

Points 75


Cape of Good Hope – Postal stationery 1878-1901


Barretto,  Jose Ricardo

Brazilian Federation of Philately

Thematic Culture

Points 90


Women doctors of the church

Cieslak,  Ryszard

Polish Philatelists Union

Thematic Culture

Points 90


Sensitive information – A challenge for Secret Service

Gramajo Leal,  Romeo

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala

Thematic Culture

Points 70


Universal declaration of Human Rights

Machado Cardoso,  Silvio

Brazilian Federation of Philately

Thematic Culture

Points 62


The history of the Football World Cup under the eye of philately

Pacheco,  Luis

Federación Mexicana de Filatelia

Thematic Culture

Points 69


Zodiac: Gods, stars and hero’s

Santana Santoyo,  Mónica

Federación Mexicana de Filatelia

Thematic Culture

Points 74


Porfirio Díaz’s adorned city

Belaref,  Mohamed Amine


Thematic Nature

Points 60


Pigeon – White flight

Elhemsheri,  Marwan

Philatelic Society of Egypt

Thematic Nature

Points 60


Jurassic world – The age of Dinosaurs

Elkriat,  Wahiba Hassiba


Thematic Nature

Points 73


Dauphin (The Spirit of the Sea, the Dolphin)

Fencl,  Petr

Union of Czech Philatelists

Thematic Nature

Points 73


Battle for the moon

Bellini,  Enzo

Federación Uruguaya de Filatelia

Thematic Techology

Points 86


The Mini – The little giant

Hernández Salguero,  Ana

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala

Junior Thematic 10 – 15 Years

Points 67

Animals and their relationship with humans


Beston,  Bernard

Australian Philatelic Federation


Points 75


Ecuador tobacco obligatory tax issue 1920-1946

Mahler,  Michael

American Philatelic Society


Points 92


$1.30, $1.60 and $1.90 Stamps of the Civil War Era: How were they used

Mahler,  Michael

American Philatelic Society


Points 85


Fiscal History of U.S. Whaling, 1862–1872

Mahler,  Michael

American Philatelic Society


Points 85


The Rest of the Story: The Remarkable Nevada Revenue-Stamped Lease and its Extraordinary Backstories

Mahler,  Michael

American Philatelic Society


Points 93


The U.S. $15 Mortgage Stamp, 1862–1872: A Fiscal history – Perfect storm

Open Class

Da Fonseca,  Carlos

Philatelic Federation of SA

Open Class

Points 62


1975 – Inauguration of the Afrikaans Language Monument

McLaughlin,  David

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Open Class

Points 87


Canada: World’s grain exhibition and conference, Regina, 1933

Moll,  Michiel

Philatelic Federation of SA

Open Class

Points 73


A life on the cards: The story of Hilda Lovegrove

Picconi,  Salvatore

Federazione fra le Societá Filateliche Italiane

Open Class

Points 70


My favourite football team – Sassari Torres

Pienaar,  Gary

Philatelic Federation of SA

Open Class

Points 72


7th World Scout Jamboree – Bad Ischel, Austria 1951


Callen,  Brian

Federation of Philatelic Societies of Ireland


Points 85


The 1912 Rhein-Main Zeppelin Airmails

Filobok,  Konstantin

Union of Philatelists of Russia


Points 77


The Airmail of Ukraine (1923 – 1941

Ong,  Henry

Association of Singapore Philatelists


Points 84


Malaya crash and disrupted Airmails 193 -1939

Glassman,  Les

Israel Philatelic Federation


Points 74


Airmails from the Mozambique Company

Hafez,  Adam

Philatelic Society of Egypt


Points 74


Airmail of Egypt 1927-1937

Struble,  George

American Philatelic Society


Points 92


1920 Airmail Service Basel-Frankfurt – What a Fiasco


Ramírez Bahena,  Mario

Federación Mexicana de Filatelia


Points 84


Mexico’s weather forecast postmarks 1903-1904

Redner,  Gregg

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Points 90


The evolution of the Port Payé auxiliary marking on pre-philatelic Belgian mail

Wong,  Chi Fai Ivan

The Hong Kong Philatelic Society


Points 88


Cancellations on issues of Hong Kong Queen Victoria 2 cents after 1900




First Day Covers

First Day Covers

Rigo,  Antoni

Federación Española de Sociedades Filatelicas


Points 82


X-38 – Development of an emergency crew return vehicle for ISS

DiBiase,  John

Australian Philatelic Federation


Points 75


Monte Bello Islands – The local stamps

Quinhone,  Gerson

Brazilian Federation of Philately


Points 65


Shirt 1 – The importance of the Goal keeper in soccer

Kumar,  Satish

Philatelic Congress of India

First Day Covers

Points 65


The First Day cover – 1968

McEntyre,  John

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

First Day Covers

Points 82


First Day Covers used for marketing pharmaceuticals



South Africa’s Seventh Virtual Philatelic Exhibition (SAVPEX), a one-frame exhibition, hosted by the Orange Free State Philatelic Society under the auspices of the Philatelic Federation of South Africa


The exhibition attracted 80 exhibits in 10 classes from around the world


To view exhibits, please click on the exhibit title




South Africa’s Seventh Virtual Philatelic Exhibition (SAVPEX), a one-frame exhibition, hosted by the Orange Free State Philatelic Society under the auspices of the Philatelic Federation of South Africa


The exhibition attracted 80 exhibits in 10 classes from around the world


To view exhibits, please click on the exhibit title


Designing and selecting the colours for the 1861 3c stamps of the USA

Postal History – 95 Points


Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

The Electric and International Telegraph Company 1846 -1870

Postal History – 91 Points


Federation of Philatelic Societies of Ireland

Queensland 1d letter card and reply card

Postal Stationary – 91 Points


Australian Philatelic Federation

Best exhibit of show


Designing and selecting the colours for the 1861 3c stamps of the USA

Postal History – 95 Points


Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


CHUENG, Mr Andrew

The Hong Kong Philatelic Society

77 Points

Hong Kong – King George VI wartime printings


Clube Filatélico de Macau

76 Points

Study of Stamp Overprint Errors from the Founding Period of the Republic (1912-1914)


Philatelic Federation of South Africa

71 Points

The versatile 1951 Southern Rhodesia “Overprinted” Postage Due Labels


Philatelic Federation of South Africa

70 Points

Christmas Postage used from 1929 to 1960 in the Union of South Africa using the SANTA Christmas Greeting Seals


Philatelic Federation of South Africa

48 Points

All the world’s a stage (Five ages of postage)


United States, APS

85 Points

Production archival material and final appearance of the 1993 Garni stamp


Clube Filatélico de Macau

66 Points

Macau first aviation stamps 1936


Philatelic Federation of South Africa

90 Points

Early primitive stamps: The 1857 Natal embossed issue


Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

88 Points

Canada 1934: Cartier quadricentenary stamp


Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

87 Points

The philately of the 1920 Antwerp Olympics


Philatelic Federation of South Africa

73 Points

Machin Head pre-decimal Definitives


Philatelic Federation of South Africa

75 Points

The 4d Rectangular stamp “Rural Huts” – 1927


Australian Philatelic Federation

88 Points

New South Wales Railway Parcel Freight Stamps Predecimal period 1891-1966


Philatelic Federation of South Africa

78 Points

King’s head roll stamp issues 1913 – 1926


United States, APS

82 Points

The 1944 Gross Born POW Olympics


American Philatelic Society

85 Points

The fourth RSA definitive series – Architectural buildings – Some identifying aspects


Philatelic Federation of South Africa


68 Points

King George V & Southern Rhodesia: 1924-1935


The Hong Kong Philatelic Society


84 Points

Liberated Area Issues of Anhui Province

Postal History

abdul-mughni, Mr khaled

Kuwait Philatelic and Numismatic Society

Postal History
82 Points

Kuwait – “Postage Due” and connected instructional marking

Al Rais, Mr Ali

Kuwait Philatelic and Numismatic Society

Postal History
76 Points

A decade of postcards history in Kuwait “Rate & Routes”

Amoore, Mr Hugh

Philatelic Federation of South Africa

Postal History
73 Points

Official registration and geneses of certified mail in South Africa

Callan, Dr Brian

Federation of Philatelic Societies of Ireland

Postal History
91 Points

The Electric and International Telegraph Company 1846-1870

Erasmus, Dr Louwrence

Philatelic Federation of South Africa

Postal History
75 Points

Sending Money Home – South Africa to Sekakes from January to September 1973

Fu, Mr Sio

Clube Filatélico de Macau

Postal History
85 Points

Lesson learn, postal history of Macau bisected stamps

Hofmeyr, Dr Jannie

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Postal History
95 Points

Designing and selecting the colours for the 1861 3c stamp of the USA

Huo, Mr Huixio

Clube Filatélico de Macau

Postal History
73 Points

Macau official envelope from Canton 1883 – 1930

Kumar, Mr Satish

Philatelic Congress of India

Postal History
57 Points

Pre-stamp mail

Kunc, Mr Lubor

Union of Czech Philatelists

Postal History
82 Points

Field post system Czechoslovak territory October 1918 – February 1919

Miranda, Mrs Raquel Arabella

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala

Postal History
71 Points

Declare value markings in the Department of San Marcos in the years between 1949 and 1958

Moll, Dr Michiel

Philatelic Federation of South Africa

Postal History
70 Points

Italiaanse nommerstempels

Muhonen, Mr Ari

Philatelic Federation of Finland

Postal History
83 Points

Mail of the Red Guards area, Finland, spring 1918

Pickering, Mr Terence

UK National Philatelic Society

Postal History
67 Points

The Stilwell Highway

Porto, Dr Rubem

FEBRAF Brazilian Federation of Philately

Postal History
83 Points

Letters with early postal marks of the Rio de Janeiro province in the Brazil Empire

Rivera Grajeda, Mr Carlos

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala

Postal History
73 Points

Guatemala’s Western Region mailbox markings

Rogers, Mrs Verena

Philatelic Federation of South Africa

Postal History
70 Points

WWI Field Post Office and censor marks

Saboo, Dr Narendar

Philatelic Congress of India

Postal History
88 Points

Portuguese India-Postal markings prior to their first  stamp issue


Deshpande, Mr Tushar

Philatelic Congress of India

78 Points

Elephantnama – The Elephant cronicles

Haeck, Mr Pascal

Fédération Royale des Cercles Philatéliques de Belgique

72 Points

The Statue of Liberty

Herrera, Mr Washington

Federación Uruguaya de Filatelia

81 Points

Jose Artigas, the General betrayed, the shadows of Albion

Krishnaswamy, Ramarathnam

Philatelic Congress of India

66 Points

Penny Black to crypto stamps

Komankutty Menon, Ms Sathianarayanan

Philatelic Congress of India

64 Points

Joint issue: What do they signify?

Lubbe, Prof Samuel

Philatelic Federation of South Africa

65 Points

The development of atomic science

Madiraju, Mr Lokesware Rao

Philatelic Congress of India

66 Points

Buddhist dances

Madiraju, Mr Lokesware Rao

Philatelic Congress of India

70 Points

Buddhist mudras

Madiraju, Mr Lokesware Rao

Philatelic Congress of India

66 Points

Lady Slipper Orchid

Martins Neto, Mr Braz

FEBRAF Brazilian Federation of Philately

66 Points

The Fuhrer’s fury

Murga de Pira, Mrs Alma

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala

68 Points

Historic Quetzaltenango

Radnell, Mrs Vera

Australian Philatelic Federation

85 Points

The language of Falconry

Robertson, Mrs Sandra

Philatelic Federation of South Africa

64 Points

Silhouettes on stamps – Hanover to

Sakhare, Mr Sammir

Philatelic Congress of India

61 Points

Human space exploration

Wadhwa, Mr Vijay

Philatelic Congress of India

76 Points

Above & beyond – Bird migration

Zitnik Metaj, Mrs Natalija

Slovenian Philatelic Association

55 Points

I, an artist




Diserio, Mr Mark

Australian Philatelic Federation

Postal Stationery
91 points

Queensland 1d letter card and reply letter card

Tiernan, Mr Jon

Australian Philatelic Federation

83 Points

Tasmania Beer Duty stamps

Quinhone, Mr Gerson

FEBRAF Brazilian Federation of Philately

 77 points

A tribute to the Legiao Urbana


McLaren, Mr Sinclair

New Zealand Philatelic Federation Inc

58 points

The Wonky cancellation

Reinhold, Mr Sterzer

Philatelic Federation of Finland

83 points

Finland Figure Cancels

Wong, Mr Ivan

The Hong Kong Philatelic Society

85 points

Cancellation on issues of Hong Kong Queen Victoria 2 cents after 1900



Asthana, Mr Aditya

Philatelic Congress of India

Open Class
79 points

Elgin Mills Co. Ltd., Cawnpore

Ficken, Ms Sylvia

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Open Class
83 points

Dogs of Newfoundland:  Newfoundland postal and revenue material   1887-1944

Grigorian, Mr Igor

United States, APS

Open Class
77 points

Armenian scented paper (Papier d’Armenie) From incense to commodity

Hegarty, Mr Clem

Federation of Philatelic Societies of Ireland

Open Class
61 points

Two epic flights of the Vickers Vimy in 1919

Kumar, Mr Akhil

Philatelic Congress of India

Open Class
51 points

Dance: Rhythm of life

McLaughlin, Mr David

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Open Class
86 points

Canada: World’s grain exhibition and conference, Regina 1933

Pickering, Mr Terence

UK National Philatelic Society

Open Class
52 points

British Empire Exhibition 1924 – 1925

Siarkiewicz, Mr Krzysztof

Polish Philatelists Union

Open Class
70 points

A short history of wheelchair tennis

Picture Postcards

Gendek, Ms Marilyn

Australian Philatelic Federation

Picture Postcards
86 points

Nutritional sustenance in a nursing world

Kantor, Mr Rod

Australian Philatelic Federation

Picture Postcards
80 points

St. Helena – The polytechnic postcards

McLaughlin, Mr David

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

Picture Postcards
77 points

Local publishers of Ottmar Zieher philatelic post cards

Metaj, Mr Matjaž

Slovenian Philatelic Association

Picture Postcards
71 points

Aerodrome Ljubljana

Pienaar, Mr Gary

Philatelic Federation of South Africa

Picture Postcards 
83 point

Scouting during the great war – Through old picture postcards

Srinivasa, Mr Ramu

Philatelic Congress of India

Picture Postcards
83 points

Victoria Terminus

Sudhakar, Dr Muthiah

Philatelic Congress of India

Picture Postcards
64 points

Incredible India


Andrzej, Mr Jarzynkowski

Polish Philatelists Union

85 points


Gliding post in the pioneer period (1923-1936) – First Flights

Callan, Dr Brian

Federation of Philatelic Societies of Ireland

88 points

Graf Zeppelin DZ-127 – 1929 On board mail

Haynes, Dr Bruce

Netherlands East Indies domestic airmail 1920

75 points

Netherlands East Indies domestic airmail 1920

Khaitan, Mr Piyush

Philatelic Congress of India

90 points

Indian mail via Airship and Catapult flights (1912-1937)

Khaitan, Mr Piyush

Philatelic Congress of India

78 points

O.A.T. and AV2 markings on airmails connected with India (1935-1952)

Vidal, Mr Wady

FEBRAF Brazilian Federation of Philately

86 points

From Brazil by the May 1930 Zeppelin flight


July 2021
South Africa’s Sixth Virtual Philatelic Exhibition (SAVPEX), a one-frame exhibition, hosted by the Orange Free State Philatelic Society under the auspices of the Philatelic Federation of South Africa


The exhibition attracted 117 exhibits in 12 classes from 22 countries
Please see exhibit for points awarded


California Blues: The Iconic 1857 Gold Rush Revenues

Revenues – 97 Points


American Philatelic Society


The ‘Grill’ Essays of the United States: 1865 – 1868

Traditional – 96 Points


Philatelic Federation of SA

A Fiscal History “Perfect Storm”: The U.S. $15 Mortgage Stamp 1862 – 1872

Revenues – 95 Points


American Philatelic Society

Best exhibit of show


The ‘Grill’ Essays of the United States: 1865 – 1868


Philatelic Federation of SA

To view exhibits, please click on the exhibit title


Barit, Dr Avi

Philatelic Federation of SA


66 Points


Basutoland 1961 Decimal Overprints

Barit, Dr Lawrence

Philatelic Federation of SA


72 Points


Bechuanaland: The 1961 Decimal Surcharges

Barit, Dr Simon

Philatelic Federation of SA


74 Points


Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth II Head Errors

Bartshe, Mr Tim

American Philatelic Society


88 Points


Orange Free State 1 Shilling Brown of 1896

Benchimol, Mr Jacques

Brazilian Federation of Philately


93 Points


American and Continental Bank Note Proofs  on D. Pedro II 1866 – 1878 Stamps

Benninghoff, Mr Robert

American Philatelic Society


88 Points

The e Watermark Definitive Coil Stamps of Ireland 1940 – 1971

Cheung, Dr Andrew

Hong Kong Philatelic Society


72 Points


The First Commemorative Stamp of Queen Elizabeth II

Da Fonseca, Mr Carlos

Philatelic Federation of SA


62 Points


1953 – Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

Forbes, Mr John

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


74 Points

Forgeries, Fakes and Fantasies of the Stamps of Cyprus Issued between 1880 and 1902

Franklin, Mr Brian

Federation: Philatelic Federation of SA


70 Points

Malta – The Cinderella Set. King George V 1926 – 1936 Shield Sets

Hofmeyr, Dr Jan

Philatelic Federation of SA


96 Points

The ‘Grill’ Essays of the United States: 1865 – 1868

Hsien, Mr Yoong

Association of Singapore Philatelists


74 Points

HSBC – Perfins, Overprints and Security Markings

Kussing, Mr Herwig

Philatelic Federation of SA


74 Points

Five South African Antelopes on Booklets and Postcard

Lee, Mr Soon Leong

Association of Singapore Philatelists


65 Points

A Study of the Stamps of the Reign of King Edward VIII

Lower, Mr Harry

Federation: Australian Philatelic Federation


88 Points


The One Penny Green Letterpress Stamps of South Australia

McLaughlin, Mr David

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


84 Points

Canada: The 1933 UPU Preparatory Commission Meeting

Schmidt, Mr Eberhard

Bund Deutscher Philatelisten E.V.


71 Points

The Paraguayan stamp issues (1932-1936) on the Gran Chaco”

Silva, Mr Cesar

Federaçao Portuguesa de Filatelia


77 Points

Portuguese Perforated Stamps First Issue

Stelmacovich, Mr Mark

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


78 Points

The ‘KLCs’, KYIV’s ‘SOUVENIR SHEET’, and usage for both – 1992-1995

Tan, Mr Andrew

Association of Singapore Philatelists


78 Points

The Green and Red “Full Eagle” Sunburst Registry Seals of Mexico

Tiernan, Mr Jon

Australian Philatelic Federation


90 Points

South Australia Railway Parcel/Freight Stamps Pre – Decimal Period 1885 – 1966

Toops, Mr Earl

American Philatelic Society


82 Points

The Trucial States Palm Trees and Dhow Series of 1961

Vadeboncoeur, Mr Guillaume

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


87 Points

Canada – The 10c small Queen of 1874 – 1897

Van Beukering, Mr Jan

Philatelic Federation of SA


88 Points

The First South West African Definitive Stamps – Archival Revelations


Postal History

Viljoen, Mr Diederik

Philatelic Federation of SA


67 Points


Dead Countries

Abdul Mughni, Mr Khaled

Kuwait Philatelic & Numismatic Society


Postal History
66 Points

Mail between Kuwait and Palestinian: Boycot .. Censorship .. Nationalization

Berman, Mr Genady

Israel Philatelic Federation


Postal History
71 Points

Taxi Post Labels of Israel

Bezuidenhout, Mr Johan

Philatelic Federation of SA


Postal History
76 Points

King George V Siver Jubilee Road Trip

Bufalo, Mr Almir

Brazilian Federation of Philately


Postal History
90 Points

JUNDIAHY/ SP – Brazil: Early Postal History 1829 – 1888

Callan, Dr Brian

Federation of Philatelic Societies of Ireland


Postal History
88 Points

Electric Telegraph Company/Electric and International Telegraph Company 1846 – 1870

Elmslie, Ms Hazel

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Postal History
73 Points

Spain: Rueda De Carreta (Cartwheel) Cancellation

Guerreiro Pereira, Dr Antonio

Federaçao Portuguesa de Filatelia


Postal History
81 Points

Portugal: Mail to Foreign Destinations with Stamps of the King Luis I – Straight Label Issue

Harris, Mr Ray

UK National Philatelic Society


Postal History
93 Points

Northern Nigeria Manuscript Cancellations and the Lokoja Oval

Johnson, Ms Kathryn

American Philatelic Society


Postal History
79 Points

British Telephone Campaign – The Slogan Postmarks

Kennaway, Mr Tim

Australian Philatelic Federation


Postal History
66 Points

Papua New Guinean Regular Postage Stamps Used as Postage Due: 6th December 1956 – 9th August 2001

Khaitan, Mr Piyush

Philatelic Congress of India


Postal History
70 Points

The Postal Message Service of the Indian Red Cross Society during the Second World War

Klimley, Mr Ronald

American Philatelic Society


Postal History
83 Points

The 1954 Liberty Series – Just the 1c George Washington

Krauss, Mr Karlfried

Bund Deutscher Philatelisten E.V.


Postal History
90 Points

“History of the Earliest Letters from New Zealand to Germany (1839-1841) – The Dieffenbach Story”

Kumar, Mr Satish

Philatelic Congress of India


Postal History
52 Points

The Black, Blue and Red

Mastrorosa, Mr Sergio

Brazilian Federation of Philately


Postal History
80 Points

Postal Marks from Precursers to the Empire 1817 – 1843

McEntyre, Mr John

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Postal History
77 Points

20th Century Study of Postcard Rates: Canada to the UK

Mietus, Prof Miroslaw

Polish Philatelists Union


Postal History
81 Points

Correspondence from the Prussian Network of Rain Gauges in the Greater Poland 1919 – 1920

Miller, Mr Jerry

American Philatelic Society


Postal History
81 Points

America – England Ship Letters 1735 – 1796 … Major British-Realm Ports of Entry

Murphy, Mr Brian

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Postal History
85 Points

Mail between and via Canada and Japan 1873 – 1898

Nessel, Mr Ingo

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Postal History
83 Points

Hong Kong 1945/6 – Postwar Restoration of Postal Services

Piton, Mr James

Brazilian Federation of Philately


Postal History
70 Points

Esperanto under the Scrutiny of Postal Censorship

Preston, Dr Dickson

American Philatelic Society


Postal History
75 Points

Greenland Mail during World War II

Reid, Dr Patrick

UK National Philatelic Society


Postal History
83 Points

The Denominated Tax Marks of Victoria, Australia 1947 – 1954

Rivera, Mr Carlos

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala


Postal History
70 Points

Guatamala’s Regions Mailbox Markings

Saboo, Dr Narendar

Philatelic Congress of India


Postal History
85 Points

Portuguese India – Postal Markings Prior to their First Stamp Issue

Esko, Mr Seitsonen

Suomen Filatelistiliitto


Postal History
83 Points

Mail to and from Petsamo, Finland – 1940

Sheffield, Mr John

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Postal History
80 Points

Canada Two-Ring Numeral Cancels From The Maritime Post Offices

Wijnants, Mr Paul

Philatelic Federation of SA


Postal History
88 Points

Portland as an Exchange Office for United States Transatlantic Mail by the Alan Line 1859 – 1870

Wong, Mr Chi

Hong Kong Philatelic Society


Postal History
80 Points

Cancellations on Issues of Hong Kong Queen Victoria 2 cents after 1900


Adams, Mr Fran

American Philatelic Society


78 Points

The United Nations and Palestine 1947-1951

Athale, Dr Dinar

UK National Philatelic Society


69 Points

Indelible Evidence: The History of Forensic Medicine

Cartier, Mr Ray

American Philatelic Society


52 Points

A Tale of Two  Hornets – U.S. Aircraft Carriers – CV 8 and CV/CVA/CVS12

Cieslak, Mr Ryszard

Polish Philatelists Union


87 Points

Information – A Challenge for Secret Services

Ghosh, Mr Joy

Philatelic Congress of India


56 Points


Legend of Rabindranath Tagore – A Philatelic Tribute

Hasan Khan, Mr Shahid

Philatelic Congress of India


51 Points


Stamps of Mahatama Gandhi and Non-Voilence

Lubbe, Prof Sam

Philatelic Federation of SA


50 Points

Design Errors on Stamps

Martins Neto, Mr Braz

Brazilian Federation of Philately


66 Points

Brazil Beauty

Martins, Mr Fernando

Federaçao Portuguesa de Filatelia


60 Points

Olympic Games – Berlin 1936

Millard, Mr Victor

Philatelic Federation of SA


65 Points

Shellfish Pursuits

Miranda, Ms Raquel

Asociación Filatelica Guatemala


65 Points

The World of Mafalda

Nam, Mr Sang Chul

Philatelic Federation of Korea


91 Points

Secret of Moth

Park, Mr Gwang Seok

Philatelic Federation of Korea


71 Points

Crops and Vegetables

Rajasheaker, Mrs Revathi

Philatelic Congress of India


59 Points


Raft to Ice Breaker

Singh, Mr  Aditya

Philatelic Congress of India


72 Points

Yoga – The Art of Living

Wadhwa, Capt Vijay

Philatelic Congress of India


87 Points

Evolve – A Beak at Evolution


Collan, Prof Mikael

Suomen Filatelistiliitto


81 Points

Finland – Domestic Air Mail

Donen, Mr Neil

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


93 Points

Mail related to the ill-fated 1935 Trans-Tasman Jubilee Flight

Hannula, Mr Petteri

Suomen Filatelistiliitto


71 Points

Transpacific Airmail Services 1935-1941

Hegarty, Mr Clem

Federation of Philatelic Societies of Ireland


75 Points

KLM, The Oldest Airline in the World Still Flying



Khaitan, Mr Piyush

Philatelic Congress of India


90 Points

The Birth of Airmail – The First Aerial Post at Allahabad, 18 February 1911.

Melamed, Mr Semyon

American Philatelic Society


92 Points

Identification of On-Board Zeppelin Mail 1908 – 1929

Cartier, Mr Ray

American Philatelic Society


75 Points

Apollo Soyuz Test Project


Jacobson, Dr Leon

Philatelic Federation of SA


68 Points

Customs Duty/Douane Stamps of South Africa

Kedia, Mr Prakash

Philatelic Congress of India


71 Points

Dewas  J.B. (I.F.S.) War Contribution Stamps 1940 – 1945

Krieg, Mr Harald

Bund Deutscher Philatelisten E.V.


90 Points

The Fiscal Philately of German South West Africa

Mahler, Mr Michael

American Philatelic Society


95 Points

A Fiscal History “Perfect Storm”: The U.S. $15 Mortgage Stamp 1862 – 1872

Mahler, Mr Michael

American Philatelic Society


97 Points

California Blues: The Iconic 1857 Gold Rush Revenues

Mahler, Mr Michael

American Philatelic Society


93 Points

Florida Fiscal History 1862 – 1872: A Tour of the State

Mahler, Mr Michael

American Philatelic Society


90 Points

Stamp Tax on Nevada Territory Stock Certificates: The 25c Blaze of Glory

Mahler, Mr Michael

American Philatelic Society


91 Points

Thar She Blows: U.S. Whaling  Fiscal History of the Civil War Era

Mahler, Mr Michael

American Philatelic Society


91 Points

The Ultramarine Experiment 1869 – 1870

Matheson, Dr Ian

Philatelic Federation of SA


90 Points

Newspaper Duty in Cape of Good Hope 1827 – 1848

Sarkki, Mr Jukka

Suomen Filatelistiliitto


67 Points

Thailand – Charity Revenues Stamps Model 1953 – Health and Education

Postal Stationary

Amoore, Mr Hugh

Philatelic Federation of SA


Postal Stationary
81 Points

South African Reply Coupons from 1907

Halewood, Mr Nick

Philatelic Federation of Japan


Postal Stationary
75 Points

Queen Elizabeth II Aerogrammes of Ceylon

Schumann, Mr Stephen

UK National Philatelic Society


Postal Stationary
89 Points

New Zealand Prisoner of War Air Letter Cards 1941 – 1945

Thy, Mr Peter

American Philatelic Society


Postal Stationary
68 Points

Early Bechuanaland Telegraph Forms

First Day Covers

Klimley, Mr Ronald

American Philatelic Society


First Day Covers
75 Points

Hand-Crafted First Day Covers of the 29c Sandy Hook Lighthouse Stamp

Klimley, Mr Ronald

American Philatelic Society


First Day Covers
61 Points

The 75th Anniversary of the South African Rugby Board

Open Class

Benninghoff, Mr Robert

American Philatelic Society


Open Class
85 Points

The Irish Civil War January 1922 to April 1923

Benninghoff, Mr Robert

American Philatelic Society


Open Class
86 Points

The Struggle for Irish Independence from Great Britain – May 1916 to December 6, 1921

Heath, Mrs Petra

Philatelic Federation of SA


Open Class
70 Points

Jan van Riebeeck: 10 Jaar aan die Kaap de Goede Hoop

McLaughlin, Mr David

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Open Class
87 Points

Canada: The World’s Grain Exhibition and Conference, Regina, 1933

Pienaar, Mr Gary

Philatelic Federation of SA


Open Class
59 Points

The Inauguration of the Voortrekkermonument – 16th December 1949

Reeves, Mrs Maureen

Philatelic Federation of SA


Open Class
73 Points

By Endurance we Conquer

Van Soeren, Mr Johan

Bund Deutscher Philatelisten E.V.


Open Class
68 Points

Charlie Chaplins “Der Große Diktator” (1940) – Satire und Realität

Van Soeren, Mr Johan

Bund Deutscher Philatelisten E.V.


Open Class
70 Points

Charlie Chaplins “The Kid” (1921) – Höhepunkt der Geschichte des Stummfilms

Picture Postcards

Du Plessis, Mr Andre

Philatelic Federation of SA


Picture Postcards
84 Points

Chinese Indentured Workers on the Rand – 1904 to 1910

Figg, Mr David

Australian Philatelic Federation


Picture Postcards
86 Points

The Hoboken  Docks Fire 1900

Glashan, Ms Alexandra

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Picture Postcards
74 Points

Vintage St. Patrick’s Day Postcards Celebrate Irish Myths, Legends and Tall Tales

McLaughlin, Mr David

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Picture Postcards
77 Points

Local Publishers of Ottmar Zieher’s Philatelic Post Cards

Rebelo, Mr Americo

Federaçao Portuguesa de Filatelia


Picture Postcards
54 Points

Sport Llisboa Benfica seen through the Illustrated Postcards

Sodero, Ms Jane

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Picture Postcards
86 Points

Milford House – A Rustic Resort in Southwestern Nova Scotia



Adams, Mr Fran

American Philatelic Society


90 Points

Cancellation Devices of the International Institute of Agriculture 1906-1946

Madiraju, Mr Lokeswara

Philatelic Congress of India


60 Points

Great Britain – Postal Cancellation of Post Office Numbers of England and Wales on Penny

Pereira, Mr Antonio

FEBRAF Brazilian Federation of Philately


74 Points

Passeio Pele cidade Maravilhosa – Wonderful City Tour – Rio de Janeiro

Modern Experimental

Berman, Mr Genady

Israel Philatelic Federation


Modern Experimental
75 Points

Post in Crimea During Transitional Period, March – October 2014

Kim, Mr Chang Han

Philatelic Federation of Korea


Modern Experimental
65 Points

The Korean Definitive Stamps 170 Won Australian Curlew

Min, Mr Kyoung Ok

Philatelic Federation of Korea


Modern Experimental
76 Points

Korea: 3550 Won Definitive Issue During Basic Rate 300 Won Period


22 August 2020


The South African Virtual Philatelic Exhibition (SAVPEX), a one-frame exhibition, took place under the auspices of the Philatelic Federation of South Africa. Proudly hosted by the Philatelic Society of the Orange Free State the exhibition attracted 80 Entries, of which 63 was International


The International judges did a sterling job having judged all the exhibits during July 2020, making the results available



To go to the results please click the link


Chronological results of SAVPEX 2020 



To view the exhibits, please click the exhibit title  below

Allison Mr. Robert

OFS Study Circle


Class 2 – Points: 78


Osborne – Queen Victoria’s Holiday Home

Auleytner Prof. Julian

Polish Philatelic Society


Class 2 – Points 79


Problems at the Post Offices in Poland with Food Parcels from the USA 1920 – 1924

Bellville Philatelic Society

Bellville Philatelic Society


Class 3 – Points 55


Getting from here to there (Modes of Transport)

Benninghoff Mr. Robert

American Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 85


The e Watermark Definitive Coil Stamps of Ireland 1940 – 1970

Benninghoff Mr. Robert

American Philatelic Society


Class 7 – Points 90


The Struggle for Irish Independence from Great Britain May 1916 to December 6, 1921

Benninghoff Mr. Robert

American Philatelic Society


Class 7 – Points 90


The Provisional Government of Ireland December 1921 to December 1922

Benninghoff Mr. Robert

American Philatelic Society


Class 2 – Points 85


The Collection of Postage Due Fees in Ireland 1914 to 1925

Benninghoff Mr. Robert

American Philatelic Society


Class 7 – Points 91


The Creation of the Border between Two Irelands 1913 to 1923

Benninghoff Mr. Robert

American Philatelic Society


Class 2 – Points 76


Ireland’s Dual Role in the Great War

Callan Dr. Brian



Class 5 – Points 79


Argentina 1897 Picture Postal Stationary specimens

Callan Dr. Brian



Class 4 – Points 82


Graf Zeppelin DLZ-127 Mail from North Africa


Callan Dr. Brian



Class 2 – Points 77


Walter Quensell’s Tin Can Mail

Chabros Mr. Slawek

Polish Philatelic Society


Class 2 – Points 82


Field Post During Mobilization April – August 1939

Chabros Mr. Slawek

Polish Philatelic Society


Class 2 – Points 90


Internment Camp’s Correspondence of Polish Legionaires 1917 – 1918

Cheung Dr. Andrew

Hong Kong Philatelic Federation


Class 3 – Points 82


Pipe Smoking

Chiu Dr. Sammy

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Class 2 – Points 92


Detained in Hong Kong and the Ones that Got Away

Chusyd Mr. Marcos

Brazilian Philately Federation


Class 2 – Points 84


The Treaty of Bern – Brazi 1877 – 1879

Da Fonseca Mr. Carlos

East London Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 74


Centenary of Arrival of British Settlers in Natal

Donen Dr. Neil

Royal Philatelic Society Canada


Class 2 – Points 92


The 1935 Quetta Earthquake Impact on Postal Services

Dorr Mrs. Ute



Class 2 – Points 83


The Orient-Express 1883 – 1914

Du Plessis Mr. Andre

Pretoria Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 71


Pretoria Typograph Pictorials

Ficken Mrs. Sylvia

The St. John’s Philatelic Society


Class 7 – Points 82


NEWFOUNDLAND DOGS – Newfoundland Postal and Revenue Material 1887 – 1944

Ficken Mrs. Sylvia

The St. John’s Philatelic Society


Class 3 – Points 65


Newfoundland Caribou 1897 – 1941

Glassman Dr. Les

Jerusalem Society


Class 2 – Points 86


Anglo-Boer War: The Mozambique Connection

Grinfelds Mrs. Vesma

American Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 89


Latvia: The First Banknote Stamp and it’s Overprints

Hassler Mr. Dennis

Collectors Club of San Francisco


Class 7 – Points 50


Mourning Covers

Hedger Mr. Don

West Toronto Stamp Club


Class 8 – Points 78


A Canadian Soldier’s Post Cards from Somme and Flanders – May 1915 – April 1916

Hedger Mr. Don

West Toronto Stamp Club


Class 3 – Points 78


Epic of Vimy –  A Canadian Pilgrimage 1936

Hickson Mr. Darcy

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada


Class 2 – Points 92


International Stamp Cancelling Machines at Brandon, Manitoba 1907-1919

Houde Mr. Michel

Canada Philatelic Society


Class 7 – Points 70


German Hospital Ship Helgoland

Jaiswal Mr. Sandeep

American Philatelic Society


Class 5 – Points 91


British India – Queen Victoria Letter Sheets

Jaiswal Mr. Sandeep

American Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 85


Shahpura – A Newly Discovery Stamp Issuing State

Jaiswal Mr. Sandeep

American Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 92


The First Issue of Jaipur

Jaiswal Mr. Sandeep

American Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 93


Jammu and Kashmir Telegraphs

Jaiswal Mr. Sandeep

American Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 85


The First Issue of Dungarpur

Jaiswal Mr. Sandeep

American Philatelic Society


Class 5 – Points 92


Indian Postal Stationary for the China Expeditionary Force

Janssen Mr. Volker

Fishhoek Philatelic Society


Class 7 – Points 0


Private Stamp Designs

Janssen Mr. Volker

Fishhoek Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 68


100 Years of the SLESVIG PLEBISCITE 1920 – 2020

Janssen Mr. Volker

Fishhoek Philatelic Society


Class 3 – Points 56


Mourning Stamps

Jeffreys  Mr. Gordon

Royal Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 80


Military Telegraphs – Unappropriated Dies as used in Bechuanaland Egypt and Sudan

Jones Mr. Julian

Southampton DPS / UK


Class 2 – Points 86


Discriminatory, Retaliatory and Restored Rates Period 1847 – 1849  USA- GB

Lawn Miss. Heather

Chishester Philatelic Society


Class 3 – Points 70



Leage Mr. Damian

PSV Siemens


Class 4 – Points 91


The Pigeon Mail of Great Barrier Island

Macedo Mr. Reinaldo

Brazilian Philately Federation


Class 10 – Points 81


The Mickey Mouse Brazilian Issue

Mastrorosa Mr. Sergio

Brazilian Philately Federation


Class 2 – Points 79


Santos: From Precursors to the  Empire (1826-1843)

McEntyre Mr. John

Federation Internasionale Philatique


Class 4 – Points 78


The Development of Official Canadian International Airmail Routes 1928 – 1942

McLaughlin Mr. David

Philatelic Society Of Canada


Class 1 – Points 72


The 1933 UPU Preparatory Commission Issue of Canada

McLaughlin Mr. David

Philatelic Society Of Canada


Class 1 – Points 74


Canada: World’s Grain Exhibition and Conference, Regina, 1933


Millington Prof. Andrew

British Thematic Association


Class 7 – Points 87


Falu Gruva – The Mine that made a Nation

Mitchell Mr. Vernon

Port Elizabeth Philatelic Society


Class 7 – Points 59


South African Symbols and Orders

Okninski Mr. Roman

Polish Philatelic Society


Class 2 – Points 93


Numeral Cancellation “1” in Warsaw 1858 – 1875

Okninski Mr. Roman

Polish Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 87


Introduction of “A Widow” and “A Postman” at II C Woldenberg Camp

Pienaar Mr. Gary

Philatelic Society of Johannesburg


Class 8 – Points 80


Scouting Through Old Picture Postcards

Porto Mr. Rubem

Brazilian Philately Federation


Class 2 – Points 88


A.P.O. (Army Post Office): The North-American Military Postal Service in Brazil during the II World War

Rebelo Mr. Américo

Portugal Philatelic Society


Class 8 – Points 70


Sport Lisboa Benfka seen through Postcards

Rykert  Mr. Henryk

Polish Philatelic Society


Class 3 – Points 62


Apollo 11 – Report from a Historical Journey

Santos Mr. Everaldo

Brazilian Philately Federation


Class 2 – Points 92


Postal Documents in the History of Colonial Brazil – 1606 – 1822

Saundry Dr. Richard

British Philatelic Federation


Class 4 – Points 80


Romanian International Air Mail Services during 1947

Scharning Mr. Rolf

Royal Philatelic Society London


Class 4 – Points 72


The Flying Coffins of WW II

Schumann Stephen

Royal Philatelic Society London


Class 5 – Points 88


New Zealand Stamps to Order Private Envelopes

Sorour Dr. Vic

Witwatersrand Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 76


The “Flying Saucer” Flaw – Protea Definitives

Strydom Dr. Danna

Witwatersrand Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 91


The V.R.I. Overprints on Transvaal Postage Stamps

Suttill Mr. Malcolm

Royal Philatelic Society of Cape Town


Class 1 – Points 83


GB – From Line Engraved to Surface Printed. The 1879 and 1880 Tenders

Suttill Mr. Malcolm

Royal Philatelic Society of Cape Town


Class 1 – Points 88


GB – 1881 Penny Lilac – The Stamp

Tan Mr. Andrew

Singapore Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 86


Exclusive Usages of the Australian ½d Orange Kangaroo Stamp

Thy Mr. Peter

Witwatersrand Philatelic Society


Class 5 – Points 89


The Newspaper Wrappers of British Bechuanaland

Tillard Mr. Jean-Jacques

Club de Philatelique de SPM


Class 4 – Points 90


Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon – “The Fox” of 1952. The First Two Stamps Issued for Air Mail Rates

Trower Mr. William

American Stamp Club of GB


Class 8 – Points 82


Postcards from Alaska 1904-1910 (My Search for “Ruby”)

Van Beukering Mr. Jan

OFS Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 91


Early Union of South Africa Roll Stamp Production

Van Der Merwe Mr. Joof

OFS Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 67


A Study of the ½d Warthog, Animal Definitive Series, 1954 – 1961 of the Union of South Africa

Van Der Vliet Mr. Oscar

Revenue Society of the Netherlands


Class 5 – Points 84


SHIELDED SECRETS! (Hidden) Facts of the Coat of Arms Revenues from RSA (1961-68)

Venter Mr. Lieb

OFS Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 71


The Story of the 1´ – Obliterated Hyphen Variety of the 1937 Union Coronation Issue

Viljoen Mr. Diederik

Belville Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 74


British Rubber Company Punctures – 1888 – 1965

Weiner Mr. Baruch

Jerusalem Society


Class 2 – Points 77


Israel POW Mail from 1948 – 1949

Williams Mr. Jon-Michael

OFS Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 67


7th Definitive Colourful S.A. Flowers, Butterflies and Moths

Wong Mr. Ivan

Hong Kong Philatelic Society


Class 2 – Points 87


Cancellations on Issues of Hong Kong Queen Victoria 2 Cents after 1900

Wong Mr. Ivan

Hong Kong Philatelic Society


Class 2 – Points 80


Security Markings on 1880 &1882 Issues of Hong Kong Queen Victoria 2 Cents

Yankowski Mr. Ronald

American Philatelic Society


Class 1 – Points 73


The National Theater of Costa Rica